Frequently Asked Questions
We understand that you may have questions or need detailed information about our services, or processes. This section is designed to answer the most common questions our customers and visitors often ask.
What does nearshore technology teams mean?
The term “nearshore” predominantly refers to a geographically proximate alignment where “Near” is more associated with time zone alignment rather than geographical closeness. Suppose you have employees working remotely, but in a nearby time zone, such as Argentina, which aligns closely with US time zones (particularly EST). In that case, the availability of the team remains effectively unchanged. It’s common to state that there is no significant difference between a team member working 5 miles away or 5000 miles away, provided there is time zone alignment.
Do all of Tangonet's nearshore resources speak English?
Nearly all of our team members possess professional proficiency or higher in English.
You only provide nearshore technology teams from Argentina? Why?
Tangonet’s CEO and Founder, Dennis Bruce, started working in Argentina in 1992. There, he built technology teams for in-country projects. Over more than ten years, he became profoundly familiar with the Argentine technology ecosystem – from the educational level (creating alliances with local universities to recruit technology interns, for example) to hiring some of the top talent in the country for major technology projects. This knowledge and experience laid the foundation for our focus on building teams in Argentina. For more on this, please see Our Story
What makes Tangonet's teams in Argentina different than offshore teams in other countries?
Cultural differences do exist between Argentina and other regions, including within Latin America itself, especially in areas such as communication and other aspects.
What are the different service models offered by Tangonet Solutions?
We offer three service models: agile teams, staff, augmentation, and special forces. See our Services page, or you can view and download a comprehensive description of our service models HERE.
Level of education and different education types in Argentina specifically for technical resources.
There are many technical lines of study at Argentine Universities, and the technical education is high level, including 3, 4, and 5-year degree programs. Technical degree programs provide a rock-solid foundation in Argentina, given that they are fully immersed in the field of study from their Freshman year without having to complete curricula unrelated to the degree program.
What are the working hours of a typical work day in Argentina? What time zone is Argentina in?
The typical workday in Argentina is Monday-Friday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm Argentina time, which is Atlantic Standard Time (+1 hour from US EST)
How many resources typically make up a team? Are resources able to assigned at 50% versus full-time?
Generally, our teams are 1-5 members; yes, a “team” can be as small as one person. In some instances, resources can be assigned under a Team Integration (Staff Augmentation) model on a fractional basis, depending on the client’s requirements and resource availability.
What is the process for onboarding your technical resources? What is your process from initial criteria to hiring and onboarding?
It varies. We are constantly seeking new talent, and our recruitment team in Argentina can be assigned to any one or more of our Service Models. All resources are validated for technical, language, and soft skills. We may “custom hire” team members for specific client requirements – on any of our service models, or they may be available from our bench or partners. The client can accept or reject any team member based on their evaluation criteria. We stress that aligning client criteria with Tangonet’s is important as we also have specific criteria for resource hiring gained over several decades of experience in this area.
How big is the Tangonet Solutions team?
Between our teams and partner teams, we have between 85-100 team members.
How does Tangonet manage their teams in Argentina?
We have Technical/Functional Team leads for all resources assigned by Tangonet – based in Argentina. We work together behind the scenes to manage all aspects of the employee/employer relationship – our own or partners.
Does Tangonet actively develop their resources?
We offer different types of training and certification programs. Some of these may be client-mandated, notably in Special Forces. In other cases, we work with our teams to strengthen and expand their skill sets to align their technical/career interests with the types of projects the market demands.
How does Tangonet support their resources?
We have technical and functional team leads in Argentina who provide background support to our teams. They may also participate in client calls if necessary. These team leads, who act in supporting roles, are not charged to the client unless they hold a specific role in the project.
How does Tangonet manage employee turnover and how do they mitigate that risk for their clients?
Turnover is a reality – it happens. We are happy that our turnover rate is low, with some team members having more than nine years with us. We do our best to balance employee satisfaction with Client requirements – and put considerable effort into this area. We also have different incentive and bonus programs responding to the present-day (post-covid) realities. Just the same, we are always recruiting new staff and also have access to partner teams who we can share resources with. We often have available resources who can immediately step in and take over – often with a minimal transition period.